SelfCheck Cholesterol Level Test

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SelfCheck Cholesterol Level Test

Cholesterol Level test

A raised cholesterol level (>200mmg/dL) represents a considerable risk factor for arteriosclerosis.

This can remain undetected for many years and may only be discovered when it has reached an advanced stage. Arteriosclerosis is one of the most significant and frequently occurring diseases, leading to circulatory problems, heart attacks, which when combined, represent almost 40% of all deaths in the western world.

Chronic heart disease (CHD) affects both men and women and reports indicate that 2 out of 3 adults in the UK over the age of 35 have raised cholesterol levels. Raised levels of total cholesterol or high levels of low-density Lipoprotein (LDL) and low levels of high-density Lipoprotein (HDL) increase the risk of CHD. Additional risks factors include a family history of CHD disease, entering middle age, being overweight, little exercise, raised blood pressure and smoking.

Anyone having two or more indicators of an increased risk should consider having their cholesterol levels checked. The SELFCheck test is easy to use, requiring only a finger prick blood sample and is completed within 5 minutes, giving a visual, easy to interpret result. Abnormal results should be discussed with your GP, allowing then to carry out further investigation to gain a comprehensive analysis of cholesterol levels including LDL/HDL and triglycerides, together with appropriate advice and management. The benefit of carrying out a SELFCheck Cholesterol assessment test in privacy ensures confidentiality as well as providing the necessary incentive to take further steps in terms of managing personal health and seeking an early consultation with a healthcare professional to facilitate earlier medical intervention should further action be needed.

The SELFCheck Cholesterol Level Test is easy to use, requiring a small finger prick blood sample to perform the test and a visual result is available in less than 5 minutes.

Only available for delivery in UK and Ireland.


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